Italian Language Classes

Filitalia International Offers Italian Language Lessons in Accordance with The “Common European Framework of Reference For Languages” 

Throughout the year, Filitalia International & Chapters offers 8 week-sessions of 90 minutes per week.  Our language courses are taught by certified Italian teachers and use up-to-date and motivating teaching materials that combine lexico-grammatical structures and communicative strategies, leading students to acquire all language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Italian lessons are held in person and online.

The language courses are organized according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, an international standard developed by the Council of Europe, which describes the competence in a foreign language on a progressive scale from A1/A2 (Basic User) to B1/B2 (Independent User) to C1/C2 (Proficient User).

**A 5% processing fee will be issued at the point of any & all refunds. If you purchase 2 back to back sessions during one of recurring registration night events you will receive a 10% discount on the total purchase.**

To take Filitalia International Language lessons, you must be a member of Filitalia International. If you are not, when purchasing your lessons, you may choose the option to become a member for one year to the chapter of your choosing.


Have Questions? Lets talk. Email or call anytime
[email protected]

Don’t know your Italian Level?
The placement test will be sent to you via email to take at your own pace in the comfort of your own home
Price of the placement test is deducted from your language class price should you sign up




Sign Up For Your Italian Courses


Levels of Italian Offered

Students will be assigned to the classes through completion of a placement test attesting to their language level
Classes will have a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 12 people

Basic User A1 – Level 101

LISTENING: Can follow language, which is very slow and carefully articulated, with long pauses for them to assimilate meaning. Can recognize concrete information (e.g. places and times) on familiar topics encountered in everyday life, provided it is delivered slowly and clearly.

SPEAKING: Can produce simple, mainly isolated phrases about people and places.

READING: Can understand very short, simple texts a single phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words and basic phrases and rereading as required.

WRITING: Can give information about matters of personal relevance (e.g. likes and dislikes, family, pets) using simple words/signs and basic expressions. Can produce simple isolated phrases and sentences.

Basic User A2 – Levels 102–103

LISTENING: Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type, provided people articulate clearly and slowly. Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate priority (e.g. basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).

SPEAKING: Can give a simple description or presentation of people, living or working conditions, daily routines. likes/ dislikes, etc. as a short series of simple phrases and sentences linked into a list.

READING: Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency every day or job-related language. Can understand short, simple texts containing the highest frequency vocabulary, including a proportion of shared international vocabulary items.

WRITING: Can produce a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors like “e” (and), “ma” (but) and “perché” (because).

Independent User B1 – Levels 201–202–203

LISTENING: Can understand straightforward factual information about common every day or job-related topics, identifying both general messages and specific details, provided people articulate clearly in a generally familiar variety.

Can understand the main points made in clear standard language or a familiar variety on familiar matters regularly encountered at work, school, leisure, etc., including short narratives.

SPEAKING: Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward description of one of a variety of subjects within their field of interest, presenting it as a linear sequence of points.

READING: Can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters well enough to correspond regularly with a pen friend.

Can understand straightforward personal letters, e-mails or postings giving a relatively detailed account of events and experiences.

Can understand standard formal correspondence and online postings in their area of professional interest.

WRITING: Can produce straightforward connected texts on a range of familiar subjects within their field of interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete elements into a linear sequence.

Independent User B2 – Levels 301–302–303

LISTENING: Can understand standard language or a familiar variety, live or broadcast, on both familiar and unfamiliar topics normally encountered in personal, social, academic or vocational life.

Can understand the main ideas of propositionally and linguistically complex discourse on both concrete and abstract topics delivered in standard language or a familiar variety, including technical discussions in their field of specialization.

SPEAKING: Can give clear, systematically developed descriptions and presentations, with appropriate highlighting of significant points, and relevant supporting detail. Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related

READING: Can read with a large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes, and using appropriate reference sources selectively. Has a broad active reading vocabulary but may experience some difficulty with low-frequency idioms.

WRITING: Can produce clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to their field of interest, synthesizing and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources.

Proficient User C1 – Levels 401–402–403

LISTENING: Can understand enough to follow extended discourse on abstract and complex topics beyond their own field, though they may need to confirm occasional details, especially if the variety is unfamiliar. Can recognize a wide range of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms, appreciating register shifts. Can follow extended discourse even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signaled explicitly.

SPEAKING: Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on complex subjects, integrating sub-themes, developing particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion.

READING: Can understand in detail lengthy, complex texts, whether or not these relate to their own area of specialty, provided they can reread difficult sections. Can understand a wide variety of texts including literary writings, newspaper or magazine articles, and specialized academic or professional publications, provided there are opportunities for rereading, and they have access to reference tools.

WRITING: Can produce clear, well-structured texts of complex subjects, underlining the relevant salient issues, expanding and supporting points of view at some length with subsidiary points, reasons and relevant examples, and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion. Can employ the structure and conventions of a variety of genres, varying the tone, style and register according to addressee, text type and theme.


English Language Classes

Filitalia International, as part of its cultural programs, intends to promote an English language learning curriculum for non-English speaking users in the United States or other countries who wish to learn or improve their knowledge of English.

The English language courses are organized according to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, from levels A1/A2 (Basic User), through levels B1/B2 (Independent User), to levels C1/C2 (Proficient User).

Students are placed in the appropriate level after taking an entry test.

Classes will have a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 people


Have Questions? Let’s talk. Email or call anytime
[email protected]


Sign Up For Your English Courses

Meet The Instructors

Elena Assirelli

  • based in RAVENNA
  • Master’s degree in foreign Languages
  • Master’s Degree in Content and Language Integrated Learning
  • Master’s Degree in Language Testing
  • Teacher trainer for the Italian Ministry of Education
  • Former High school teacher


Franca Riccardi Ghiselli

  • Master’s degree at the University of Milan (Italy)
  • Doctoral degree at the University of Milan (Italy)
  • Former Director of Italian Studies at the America Italy Society
  • Decades of experience as teacher of Italian as a Foreign Language
    in the USA
  • Former High School teacher in Italy


Attilia Lavagno

  • based in MODENA
  • Master’s degree in foreign Languages
  • Former High School teacher and Textbook author
  • Teacher trainer for the Italian Ministry of Education
  • Research Fellow at Department of Economics Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia 
  • Lecturer of English Linguistics at SSML Gonzaga, BA Course in Language Mediation Sciences, UniverMantova


Annamaria Gambone Murray

  • based in Philadelphia
  • Bachelor’s degree studies at the University Federico II in Naples (Italy)
  • Decades of experience as teachers of Italian as a Foreign Language in the USA
  • High School teacher at Nazareth Academy in Philadelphia


Maria Giulia Bernardi

  • based in MILANO
  • Master’s degree in foreign Languages
  • Master’s Degree in Language Testing
  • Middle school teacher for the Italian Ministry of Education
  • Language test developer for the Italian National Institute of Evaluation (INVALSI)


Have Questions? Lets talk. Email or call anytime
[email protected]

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