Since 1987, the Filitalia International Scholarship has been awarded to many young members of Filitalia International who show enormous passion in pursuing or continuing their education. Hundreds of families have benefited from our commitment to higher education and the defense of the Italian language.
The Scholarship Program is offered through the Filitalia Foundation and supported by donations from our distinguished families. Applicants are evaluated according to academic ability, social awareness, knowledge of Italian language and appreciation of the Italian heritage. A GPA of 3.5 or higher is recommended. Scholarship applicants are judged by impartial members of the Language & Culture Committee. Amounts range from $250.00 to $1,000.00
Would you like to start a Scholarship Fund in the name of your family, friend or loved one? Scroll to the bottom of the page and fill out the form.
Available Scholarship Funds:
- Filitalia International Scholarships: Only For Filitalia Members in Good Standing
- Fiore & Mildred Trombetta Scholarship (1st grade entering 2nd grade)
- Michele & Maria Giampaolo Scholarship (2nd grade entering 3rd grade)
- Pasquale & Maria Faillace Scholarship (3rd grade entering 4th grade)
- Bruno Colella Scholarship (4th grade entering 5th grade)
- Francesco Ceraso Scholarship (5th grade entering 6th grade)
- Vincenzo & Elvira Feudale Scholarship (6th grade entering 7th grade)
- Louis & Anna Desanctis Scholarship (7th grade entering 8th grade)
- Joseph Porreca Scholarship (8th grade Catholic School or 9th grade Public School entering High School)
- Cecilia Migali Scholarship (High school graduates entering 1st year college – only for member of South Jersey Chapters)
- Aurelio & Concetta Nestico (High school graduates attending 1st year of nursing college)
- Italian Language Scholarship (Full time college students enrolled in Italian classes)
- Mathilda Fabrizio Medical or Osteopathic Scholarship (College students accepted to first year of medical or osteopathic school)
- Robert Pisani Architecture Scholarship (Awarded to college students attending first year of architectural college)
- Concetta Mattioni Scholarship (Awarded to college graduates attending first year of law school)
- Norma Magnati Scholarship (Awarded to high school graduates attending first year of college in economics or business)
- Filitalia International Master Degree Scholarship (College graduates attending Master’s Degree other than Medicine or Law)
- Filitalia Foundation Scholarships: For Members & Non-Members Studying Filitalia Language Classes
- Francesco Mele Scholarship (High school graduates attending their first year college)
- Antonio & Mina Giordano Scholarship (High school graduates attending their first year college)
- Louise C. Poolos Scholarship (High school graduates attending first year of college)
- Matthew J. Poolos Scholarship (High school graduates attending first year of college)
- Fred Simeone Scholarship (High school graduates attending university in Biology or Engineering)
- Francis P. Naselli Scholarship (College graduates attending a Graduate School in Physical Therapy – not Kinesiotherapy)
- Colombo & Cristofero Facchina Scholarship (Awarded to University graduates willing to participate in our Student Exchange Program between the USA & Italy and vice versa). See International Exchange Program Applications / Rules.
Chapter Requirements, Process For Scholarship Review & Applicant Requirements
Filitalia International Scholarships are awarded on a merit based system geared around the student and the Chapter for which they represent
- Student – The individual academic performance, field of study, career objectives and engagement within the Italian community of Filitalia International
- Chapter – The Chapter must demonstrate that are actively pursuing the mission of Filitalia International through the organizing of Chapter events/activities, contributing to the events/activities of the Mother Organization and meet the compliance standard of the Chapter as set forth in our Bylaws
Chapter Requirements
For Students to qualify to apply for Scholarships, the Chapter will have a set of requirements that it must meet for the student to have the ability to start an application. Failure to comply with the requirements will disqualify the Chapter from participating in the scholarship program:
- The Chapter must pay the PER CAPITA TAX owed to the Mother Organization by June 30th of each year. Late payment will not allow access to apply for scholarships
- The Chapter must be utilizing and have an up to date MEMBERSHIP DATABASE using the system provided by the Mother Organization by June 30th of each year.
- The President of the Chapter must participate in a minimum of 2 international events organized by the Mother Organization between October 1st of the previous year and the deadline of the Scholarship applications (including events/activities organized by Committees), if he/she cannot do so they will have to delegate a member of the board (1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President…).
- The Chapter must have organized at least 2 events/activities for the Chapter (THEIR OWN events/activities) between October 1st of the previous year and the deadline of the Scholarship applications, not including Chapter meetings, Mother Organization events or the sponsoring of other organizations, associations, Chapters or company events.
- Each Chapter should have a minimum of 4 BODs meetings per year and meeting minutes should be shared with the President of Filitalia International
- Scholarship recipients are awarded in categories based on grade level:
- International Chapters
- Elementary: 1st – 5th Grade
- Middle School: 6th – 8th Grade
- High School: 9th – 13th Grade
- USA Chapters
- Elementary: 1st – 5th Grade
- Middle School: 6th – 8th Grade
- High School: 9th – 12th Grade
- International Chapters
- Scholarship recipients will be awarded based on the Chapters current membership count (January 1 – July 31) as follows:
- 12 – 50 Members = Maximum 2 Scholarship Recipients
- 51 – 75 Members = Maximum 3 Scholarship Recipients
- 76 – 100 Members = Maximum 4 Scholarship Recipients
- 101 – 125 Members = Maximum 5 Scholarship Recipients
- 126 – 150 Members = Maximum 6 Scholarship Recipients
- 151 – 175 Members = Maximum 7 Scholarship Recipients
- 176 – 200 Members = Maximum 8 Scholarship Recipients
- 201+ Members = Maximum 10 Scholarship Recipients
Process For Scholarship Review
- Chapter is responsible for the collection of all scholarship applications provided by the Mother Organization. Each student will provide the completed application with all supporting documents.
- Membership Committee of each Chapter will verify the 2 consecutive years of membership
- Language & Culture Committee of each Chapter will conduct an evaluation of all scholarship application packages:
- Verification of admission requirement
- Verification of all documentation
- Compilation of the Evaluation Table for each applicant
- Completion of the Scholarship Rankings Form based on the scores obtained from the Evaluation Table
- Approval/Disapproval
- For any rejected scholarship application, you must specify the reason
- Board of Directors of each Chapter will make a formal approval upon receipt of all Application Packages
- Upon completion, the President of the Chapter will submit the final rankings of each applicant, minutes from the Chapter BOD meeting where all of the above was finalized to the Mother Organization with the following evaluations listed above:
- Membership Committee
- Language & Culture Committee
- Board of Directors
- All the minutes and supporting documents need to be sent to the Chair of the Language & Culture Committee by August 31st
- For International Chapters ONLY
- After completing Step #3, send all documentation TO THE ITALIAN CONTROL AND VERIFICATION COMMITTEE
- The Committee will provide all the verified documentation to the Chapters
Applicant Requirements
- The Mother Organization of Filitalia International will award the scholarships based on the results of the ranking, from the first place up to what is available based on the funds.
- All documents, the ranking and the evaluation tables can be viewed by members with a written request to the President of their own Chapter.
- Applications will be “blindly” evaluated. Names, addresses or distinguishing information that would reveal the applicant’s identity will not be made available to scholarship evaluators.
- For an application to be complete, an application must include the following:
- Completed scholarship application
- Have a grade-point average of at least 3.5 or B+ or 85
- An official school transcript. For International Chapters, see table
- For Applicants in 7th grade or above only:
- An essay written in Italian or in English describing your personal accomplishments in school and/or your career goals. Include an explanation of what makes you an exceptional candidate for the scholarship. You may include a personal experience that has influenced your life in a significant and relevant way. The essay should be typed, double spaced and contain a minimum of 500 words
- Membership dues must be up to date
- Must be a member for a minimum of 2 consecutive years
- Must be a member of the Chapter regardless of age (i.e. family or single membership)
- Participation in the events/activities organized by the Chapter will be fundamental for the evaluation and will be evaluated as part of the final score.
- Photos and videos showing your participation must be included in the submission
- The events/activities must be organized by the Chapter (not including Chapter meetings, Mother Organization events or the sponsoring of other organizations, associations, Chapters or company events)
Application Dates & Deadlines: Please Contact Your Chapter President To Get Enrolled
START DATE: June 1st @12:00 AM EST
END DATE: July 31st @11:59 PM EST